Woohoo! You’ve scored your travel contract and you’re ready to start organizing everything you
need on your adventure. Instantly, you think of creating a checklist, but you realize you’re not sure what to take. Look no further, Christine over at NurseRX has created a healthcare traveler checklist to help you cutout the hassle of figuring it out yourself.
![]() When I started my travel nursing journey in 2014, I never thought that a shy guy like me would actually leave my home state to travel to a remote island 5,974 miles off the coast of California. Four years into my travel nursing career I was presented with the unique opportunity to take an assignment on the 125km beach island known as Guam. My first reaction was, “Where’s Guam and can I work as a nurse in a foreign country?” Little did I know, Guam is actually a United States territory and as healthcare professionals we are allowed to travel and work on these highly desired (mostly tropical) locations to fill short term staffing needs. So how do you become a traveler in one of these amazing locations? Here are 6 steps when picking out your next U.S. territory destination. ![]() The night-shift has its perks and its challenges. Some nurses have to work the night shift, some nurses could never even imagine being a night owl. For a crew of some pretty awesome, gritty, and sleepy nurses, night shift is home! As night shift nurses, we can usually tell how our shift is going to start out just by looking at the nurse giving us report! If their water bottle is full, their hair is pulled up in an extra messy bun, and they have that, “I just did 12 million things today” look on their face, it’s probably going to be a rough night. The night shift crew is pretty tight though! We’re able to knock-out all the tasks and have fun doing it, especially when the 4am delirium sets in and everyone starts giggling over random things because you’re the kind of tired that makes everything hilarious. |
October 2023