Travel nursing is full of transitions. Technically, I have the ability to up and move every four- thirteen weeks. This could be some version of crazy to “9 to 5’ers,” as my nursing friends and I fondly call those in corporate America. The minute I feel settled, it’s time to pack my bags and move on to the next city. But for me, this is what drew me to the job. The thought of moving wasn’t a source of stress but excitement. So many doors were about to open. I could explore new corners of the country, meet new people, and get paid all at the same time! As the dream started becoming more of a reality…I had enough years of experience under my belt and was feeling ready to leave New York City…the finer details came into view. The actual tasks of getting an assignment, packing my bags, finding housing, saying goodbyes, and starting a new job in a new city with minimal orientation were just a few. And with two, six month assignments under my belt and a couple months of “fun-employment” as I lovingly call the time between contracts, I’ve had sufficient time to look back on my experiences so far.
October 2023